Using personal devices for work comes with risks for employers and doesn’t mean your boss won’t call
A bill in the Philippines is trying to secure time off for workers after a break-up. Could it improve productivity elsewhere?
A new novel exposes the plight of part-time workers while smuggling in some valuable lessons on management
Giving workers autonomy could lead to more engaged employees and better results
Health MOTs can flag risks but it might be too much to ask staff to step on the scales
Increase in legal claims could point to failures in companies whose staff sound the alarm
Early careers opportunities are ‘one of the first things to go’ for employers cutting costs
Staff at law firm Hogan Lovells can now log harassment on a tech platform — but some suggest they talk about their problems instead
Asking staff to do unpaid marketing seems a no brainer, but comes with risks
Workers still fear discrimination despite years of raising awareness — do companies need to go further?
Stress and need for time off leaves many women with no choice but to quit their job
Online scrutiny and ‘Zoom dysmorphia’ are prompting some bosses to look to the experts
Ditching regular hours means companies must think of new ways for colleagues to collaborate
Employees are being offered the ‘party drug’ through company health schemes as psychedelic-assisted therapy grows in popularity
Candidates at every level will know how they will be assessed before applying
More employers are offering help but must avoid the risk of ‘meno-washing’
Research shows a hard-nosed rationale behind boosting corporate cheer
Some workplaces are encouraging staff to write personal user guides to help them get along with colleagues
Employers report positive effects of shorter hours but say productivity must be maintained
Generative tech is improving work — but employees need to be as smart as their new assistants
Records of achievements and praise can boost staff morale
Timing messages can aid flexible work but mask long hours
After lockdowns cancelled festive get-togethers, companies are reassessing seasonal traditions
Non-executive directors are becoming a more realistic option for the top job
Some organisations are asking for disclosure of platonic as well as romantic workplace relationships