Purchase comes as US electricity system grapples with historic rise in power demand
An IPO would probably have needed to price the shares at a discount to peers with longer histories as listed companies
National Gas comments come after Centrica says low temperatures have strained supplies
California’s wildfire fund could face a test
Bucharest could mirror Spain’s recent decision to block a takeover on security grounds, says Sebastian Burduja
Fuel suppliers in UK and EU airports now have to supply a portion of sustainable aviation fuel in departing flights
First-time publicly traded companies pay out more than privately held rivals since privatisation
Companies vie to create small plants for deployment to sites from data centres to oil platforms
Negotiations come amid demand surge linked to growth in artificial intelligence technologies
Investment by Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners comes as boost to SNP government before next year’s elections
Kraken now has more than 60mn accounts and forecasts that it will win tens of millions more
Class B bondholders have filed their own restructuring plan for the troubled utility
People of Transnistria forced to chop wood to heat homes after gas transit deal via Ukraine expires
Pressure will be on to reduce costs significantly if liquid air is to become mainstream
The Labour government wants to ramp up renewables. But many local residents are up in arms about plans for pylons and cables in sensitive sites
Parts of the country may face the coldest January in more than a decade
Cost of supply cuts threatens to dwarf economic damage caused by country’s years of power blackouts
Colder weather and lower seaborne imports increase reliance on stored gas
Vladimir Putin’s envoy says more than 10 units are being built in countries such as China, Iran and Turkey
Shift to new reactor technology comes as Javier Milei aims to attract energy-intensive companies to cooler south
Ofwat has not given heavily indebted Thames Water the increase in customer payments it was seeking
Utility’s losses narrow but amount owed by country’s municipalities has surged 28% to record R95bn
Public trust in the sector is at the lowest levels since surveys began 13 years ago
From stable oil markets to a nuclear energy revival, these were the themes that shaped the industry
Customer charges to increase by an average of £31 a year before inflation between now and 2030