Purchase comes as US electricity system grapples with historic rise in power demand
After a plague of overcapacity and falling prices, there are signs the sector may be approaching a bottom
Fuel suppliers in UK and EU airports now have to supply a portion of sustainable aviation fuel in departing flights
Investment by Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners comes as boost to SNP government before next year’s elections
The People’s Bank of China plans to make a historic shift to a more orthodox monetary policy
‘Green Deal’ architect Frans Timmermans warns of boost to radical right from rising costs
Pressure will be on to reduce costs significantly if liquid air is to become mainstream
Investment in ‘oil of the 21st century’ will support country’s development of renewable power
Biden administration’s Treasury delays stricter requirements for claiming tax credits ahead of Trump’s return
Post on Truth Social platform is latest anti-Labour salvo from incoming US administration
The new year will bring tough challenges for investors in the energy transition
The Labour government wants to ramp up renewables. But many local residents are up in arms about plans for pylons and cables in sensitive sites
Wave of bankruptcies hits key European market as double-digit growth rate slows
Will private credit reap benefits from deregulation, can the tech bubble keep inflating and will EV sales start to rise again?
Centre-right bloc forecast to win February elections may end grants to replace gas boilers
The seemingly unrelenting rise of populism has spurred a retreat from environmental targets
Industry fears Republican administration could undo $43bn of commitments made by Biden White House
Mike Henry says shifting US policies risk slowing allocation of capital to projects essential to renewables switch
Backlog in electricity network connections has been holding back renewable energy projects
It’s not just Trump — elections around the world may produce a new crop of net zero critics in 2025
Major fossil fuel and industrial groups push for mandatory requirements in letter to European climate commissioner
A new report imagines a transition where technology allows us to use all the energy the earth has available
Cleaning up electricity only gets the world part of the way towards climate targets
Weighing the benefits of immediate electricity access vs long-term growth
Investment of estimated $2.8tn combined with advanced drilling techniques could open up deeper energy sources