Landlords that fail to meet deadline will face ‘severe penalties’, says housing ministry
Ministers must ‘manage risks’ to limit taxpayers’ exposure to £5.1bn already budgeted, says report
Stringent new regulations on adapting tall buildings are among the new challenges facing those buying a flat
Government will say developers must start work on unsafe tower blocks within 18 months
Thirty years of outsourcing and subcontracting have left us with an atomised system where no one takes responsibility
Ministers under pressure to implement inquiry’s recommendations
It is critical that we embed a system-wide, holistic approach to fire safety
Fire inquiry points blame at cladding companies and past government ministers
Successive administrations failed to hold companies manufacturing building products to reliable safety standards
Thousands of leaseholders in blocks of flats under 11 metres face bills to replace cladding six years after Grenfell disaster
Leaseholders in buildings under-11m forced to pay for remediation work as they lack protection under post-Grenfell disaster legislation
‘Look what happened here, the camera says’ — novelist Diana Evans reviews a powerful film about the site of the 2017 disaster
Companies have six weeks to sign up or face ‘serious consequences’
Lenders will still require proof that remediation will be covered by developers or other schemes
UK housing secretary admits government should have ‘moved more quickly’ on renters’ rights in wake of Grenfell fire
A harrowing account of the deadly 2017 fire navigates arcane building regulations to highlight state neglect and corporate wrongdoing
Housing association awarded damages for remedial work on tower blocks in wake of Grenfell fire
Public inquiry into tragedy exposes disregard for safety and compromised regulatory regime
Financial Conduct Authority concerned about rising costs for leaseholders since 2017 Grenfell Tower fire
Money will be paid by builders and used to fix defects highlighted by Grenfell disaster
Several housebuilders sign pledge to carry out fire safety work on mid-rise blocks in wake of Grenfell tragedy
Changes to building safety bill will allow legal action against defective suppliers and expand powers of new regulator
Activists lobby NBIM over $1.4tn wealth fund’s investments in manufacturers and developers linked to 2017 disaster
Michael Gove is right to insist that property builders have responsibility
Campaigners warn forcing builders to pay £4bn bill leaves many leaseholders footing cost of fixing other safety issues