President Prabowo Subianto wants to cater for 82mn students and pregnant mothers to boost growth and attainment
More than 25% of children under 5 years are suffering severe hunger, says Unicef report
Concept of child-lens investing is in its infancy but advocates say it will help nurture the next generation
We must act now to equip the next generation of builders, engineers and architects with skills to restore a ravaged country
Using infants to develop artificial intelligence technology underscores just how phenomenal their brains are
Data shows that limiting payments to 2 children hits those in Midlands and North West hardest
Businesses should play a central role in changing attitudes
On a quest to explain his three-year-old’s obsession, Tom Whyman consults a palaeontologist, two psychologists — and his son
A programme to improve nutrition in schools in Córdoba, Argentina, aims to boost health and the local economy
The Swiss multinational wants to raise long-term incomes for west Africa’s cocoa farmers
Workforce participation held back by lack of affordable and flexible services, study finds
A combination of high birth rates and soaring unemployment points to problems ahead
In this year of summits, the United Kingdom Committee for Unicef (Unicef UK) has invited experts to set out policies that governments and companies should pursue to help the next generation overcome the Covid-19 pandemic, climate change, and economic inequity
To achieve a fairer system, nations must focus on the core issues of worker rights
Calorie labels on menus and TV watershed controls considered as Johnson steps up crackdown
Lack of internet has cut off access to learning during pandemic, finds report
School closures hit poor children hardest — and threaten Beijing’s anti-poverty goals
Why what you eat is where you live... and how much you earn
More than half of displaced minors currently lack access to schools
Critics say higher wages and better housing needed to help ‘left-behind’ children
Message about early learning is reaching parents in poor districts — with good results
Silicon Valley loves the idea but evidence is mixed on whether all children benefit
A new understanding of circadian rythyms is helping combat the silent sleep-loss epidemic
Children in Mexico are learning maths using a 2000-year-old method invented by their ancient ancestors
We must seek out the creative, unpredictable skills that cannot be automated