A 1990s name makes a comeback with help from George Shaheen, who led it for more than a decade
Acquisition of Citrin Cooperman from New Mountain Capital for $2bn marks a step up in valuations
The profession is finding it harder to attract and retain staff — a key factor in the quality of inspections
Regulator has been accused of piling pressure on companies with a flurry of rulemaking
Barry Melancon, for 30 years head of leading US professional body, says quality should not be compromised to aid recruiting
Lawsuit alleges auditor played ‘pivotal role in a years’ long scheme’ at Brooge Energy
Big Four consultancy firm aims to cut costs in response to ‘challenging market conditions’
Group representing Big Four criticises on-the-job training proposals for CPA qualification
Big Four firm handed mandate by biotech group Qiagen despite ban on taking on listed German companies
Firm’s strong annual revenue growth helps narrow gap against competitors
About 12bn working days lost to depression and anxiety each year, costing global economy $1tn
Firm settles criminal investigation and former senior partner admits obstruction of justice
Nexia partner Joseph Santangelo audited collapsed supply chain financing group in 2018 and 2019
Lengthy backlogs caused by chronic lack of capacity in local government and audit market
Breakdown of traditional apprenticeship model has ramifications on accounting firms’ culture, says PCAOB head
Politicians and campaigners say penalty is insufficient as country struggles with corruption
‘Concerning’ rise in restatements of financial results raises questions about quality of auditing
Legal and accounting firms expect a fee bonanza from efforts to avoid expected tariffs and export controls
Deferred prosecution agreement covers corruption scandal involving state-owned companies during Zuma presidency
Auditor could not get sufficient assurance of Ben Houchen’s body before deadline
Threat to accounting board is greatest since it was created in the wake of the Enron audit scandal, accounting veterans say
National Audit Office criticises ‘material and pervasive’ gaps in public sector audits
Fifth-largest accounting firm hits £1bn in revenue despite market ‘uncertainty’
Accounting firm agrees to sell stake to buyout group Cinven
Restructuring is latest sign of weakness in consulting industry after end of pandemic-era boom