Revenue leapt to $525mn in first half of 2024 before chief Pavel Durov was detained over alleged criminality on platform
Accustomed to mixing with the nation’s elite, the tech billionaire says he was surprised to be targeted by its legal system
Brazil’s X ban and Telegram founder’s arrest are exceptions, not the rule
Messaging app’s CEO speaks out after being hit with preliminary charges related to the platform
The FT’s John Thornhill and Hannah Murphy on the man behind the controversial messaging app.
Telegram’s stand against censorship should not mean allowing criminal content
Arrested in France, the social media app CEO is accused of promoting free speech idealism at the expense of safety
Pavel Durov’s company has been coining it in
French authorities’ action against Pavel Durov hits IPO plans and leaves bondholders nursing steep losses
Telegram has failed to distinguish between the demands of autocratic regimes and legitimate democratic requests
From combat orders to air-raid alerts, app is now vital for both Russian and Ukrainian troops and civilians
Pavel Durov barred from leaving France as part of probe into messaging app by Paris prosecutors
Brussels probing possible failure by messaging platform to provide accurate data under new regulations
Social media billionaire’s decade-long effort to avoid government scrutiny has backfired with French arrest
Pavel Durov could be held until Wednesday as magistrate determines whether to charge social media billionaire
French president says that fate of Pavel Durov will be ‘up to the judges to decide’
French police allege that messaging app led by Pavel Durov has not done enough to tackle criminal activity
Billionaire detained at Paris airport for failing to adequately moderate criminal activity on his messaging platform
Messaging service, known for ‘hands off’ approach to content moderation, faces pressure to tackle extremist groups
Monetising messaging apps is not easy, and listing changes the power structure and forces greater disclosure
As the messaging platform gears up for a potential stock market flotation, it is under pressure to curtail use by criminals
In rare interview, Pavel Durov says secretive messaging app is making ‘hundreds of millions of dollars’ from ads business
Platforms are again under scrutiny for failing to curb misinformation
The messaging app is popular with libertarians and dissidents but may be susceptible to Kremlin pressure
Decision will deal a blow to president Jair Bolsonaro, who has urged his supporters to use the platform